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Practicing the Art of Healing

The art of healing comes from Nature, not from the physician.  Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind.
-- Paracelsus


Plant-based. Gluten-free. Local. Nutrient dense. Comfort foods. Delicious, Healthy Recipes.

When I was a kid, I loved to make "mixtures".  Combining everything that I could to see what would happen.  At 12 or 13, I decided to become a vegetarian so this obsession with mixtures turned to food.  Nearly 3 decades later, I still love to cook!  Especially food that feels as good as it tastes to eat.  All the recipes are gluten-free and vegan, because that is what I cook best.  Most of the recipes are inspired by local markets, and all are made with a ton of love.  Hope they will inspire you to "make some mixtures," invite over some friends, and eat some delicious food that will taste as good as it feels to eat.



My blog filled with healthy living tips

My favorite thing to practice is the art of healing.... creating the opportunities for health and wellness.  Years of naturopathic medical school, residency, teaching, and practice have combined with my own healing journey to make this my way of life.  Hope some of my stories and adventures inspire some of your journey also!

Recipes designed for those of us who struggle with auto-immunity, chronic pain, and other inflammatory diseases. Clean, vegan, delicious, healthy recipes that promote wellness.

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