The Best 10-Layer Vegan Taco Dip Recipe
​"Red beans and rice-ly yours." -- Louis Armstrong​ After years of eating primarily plant-based, I can safely confess that rice & beans...
Soul-nourishing, Immune-Supporting, Gluten-free, Vegan Lasagna
​​Here is a secret: I really love food. Some might call it an obsession. Others might call it a problem. I call it a life-long love...
Spicy Hot, Low Sugar Chocolate Cookies
​​2018 is right around the corner. If any of you are like me, then you are welcoming in the new year with a big exhale and a mumble of...
(Soul) Nourishing Vegan Cuban Bowl
As we approach Father's Day, this recipe is one inspired from childhood and trips down to Florida to visit my father. Just a phase Like...
Healthy Low Sodium Vegan Broth
In my second year of naturopathic medical school, I was forced to face the most difficult battle of my life to that point. The battle...
Maca Power Balls
It is difficult not to take notice when others are performing at higher levels than you are able to achieve. This was the case when the...
My Favorite Turmeric Recipe: Golden Milk
​​ Most people who know me, know that I am a bit infatuated with turmeric. ​​ Sometimes it comes in the form of my mean curry recipe. ...
Simple Honey Syrup Infused with Garlic and Extra Love
I did actually go to my first rodeo back when I was living in Texas. And so understand at least some of the significance of a first rodeo....
Life Savin' Snack: Deliciously Flavorful Vegan Pho
Stimulate Your Digestion with this Delicious Noodle Soup If you ask me what I would like to eat, my answer is usually going to be "Pho". ...
Life Savin' Snack: Powerful Anti-oxidant, Anti-inflammatory Turmeric
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. - Hippocrates OK, OK.... so turmeric is a root, not necessarily a snack. But, it is...